The makeIT team travels to the HAFIS Midterm Event in Berlin with eight KIT research groups—a milestone after months of intensive work since the kickoff in September 2024. Researchers, coaches, and organizers from Jülich, Dresden, and Darmstadt come together with a shared goal: turning scientific insights into real impact.
We would like to look back on the past year and review the highlights of maKeIT together. A year full of exciting events and successful initiatives is drawing to a close. At the same time, we take a look into the future and tell you what projects await you in the coming year.
After a long period of preparation, the time had finally come: on November 16th and 17th, we welcomed the participants of the first HAFIS run to our joint kick-off workshop at the TRIANGEL open space in Karlsruhe.
LEARN MORE"With maKeIT, young scientists learn entrepreneurial thinking and receive the right tools for transferring their research results to business and society."
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth