maKeIT for Impact – TIL:Festival 2023
Excellent research results are generated at KIT. Our program maKeIT wants to help develop even more of an effect. Researchers strive for impact, for contributing to the big questions and problems of mankind. But it is a long way from scientific results to impact in practice. And the link between knowledge gained or artifacts developed and its transfer is not always obvious.
Scientists with an exciting topic who would like to do something with it, but don't quite know what yet, are in exactly the right place at maKeIT! Together with the researchers, we as the maKeIT team go on a discovery tour and identify ways that can foster the respective exploitation potential, can be integrated into everyday research and that fit the people involved, their personality and their respective goals. Our focus is that we, as a scientific community, seize opportunities as they arise and get the ball rolling!
To spread this message, we will be guests at TIL:Festival on Friday, May 5, 2023, at 2pm with an interactive talk. The TIL:Festival (short for "Today I Learned") is hosted by TRIANGEL open space at Kronenplatz in Karlsruhe since last year and offers an open meeting place for knowledge transfer, discovering new things and sharing the passion for learning and research. The overarching event will take place from May 3 to May 6. It is completely free of charge to participate. You have time and desire to learn more about our current concepts and offers, as well as to discuss with us? Let's maKeIT!
More information about TIL-Festival: